Blogvember day 1: what do you collect?

tumblr_lx3z9jrP291r4vetetumblr_mvle0vTNCw1qzt7d8o1_500In a word: worries. It’s the sad truth.

But fortunately I also collect buttons, knitting needles, and books (although, my love for crafting means I often choose knitting over reading physical books, instead settling for audio to better multitask) πŸ™‚

And most unusually, tea paraphernalia – specifically tea-for-one sets. I’ve given a few away, and a few years ago I managed to stop buying them, when I had to move back to my parents’ home and all my stuff went into storage. That means that when I dug them out of storage earlier this year, they got to be displayed rather prominently.

There’s space for one more on the right!

A photo posted by Martha (@syllcity)Β on

Tomorrow I’ll write about my guilty pleasure(s) πŸ˜‰


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