Let me hear you roar 🙂 (Any excuse for gratuitous gifs, right? And after this week, this is as emotional as I plan to get today - whether the rest of me stays on course, is an open question.) Related articles Do you feel useless when you can't write?...
We are all individuals!
Found this on Kristen Lamb's blog. It made me smile on a day I don't much feel like smiling. Happy Monday 🙂
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10 000 views!
I've been anxiously keeping an eye on my stats since Jade pointed out that I was close to reaching 10K views (I hadn't even noticed that; only that the blog has shown great growth). Obviously participating in the Ultimate Blogging Challenge helped me get here, as did...
Little green grasshopper
In a previous post I mentioned that I want to get a grasshopper tattoo, and that I’ll explain why. A friend once thought it is to symbolise my wanderlust, which is a fair and reasonable assumption, but not the first reason I’d provide. I’ve written about my...
My enduring love for SAB is like the foam on Castle Milk Stout – enduring…
... and rich? 🙂 Foam stability is an important beer quality parameter, because really, who wants flat beer? The longer the head lasts, the better the party, right? This was one of my favourite duties in the six months I worked at SAB. In retrospect, the 18 months I...