Easter gifts, tips and etiquette

Easter, for good or bad – like most other commercialised holidays – has become synonymous with chocolate.

But let’s face it: while chocolate is good, something useful is even better. Something like pretty storage. I’m a sucker for a nice box to store all kinds of crafty bits and bobs. So a personalised hat box with choccies is my idea of a sweet treat.

Keep it fresh

You know what else is good to store things in? Glass jars. Apparently they’re good to keep cupcakes fresh, but I don’t know about that – have you ever had a cupcake that needed to be kept fresh? Eating it immediately is the best way to avoid that. (I’m helpful like that – giving you some gift ideas and top tips on avoiding stale cupcakes.)

Speaking of cake

I don’t get the excitement over speckled eggs. I don’t like jelly beans. Mainly because they contain no chocolate. But I can appreciate a cute confectionery. No doubt Easter cakes will be decorating tables in all shapes and flavours this weekend. If I were responsible for getting the centrepiece for a family lunch, I’d go the route where money is thrown at the challenge and a solution is delivered to your door.

Never show up empty-handed

With a bit of luck, you can be a gracious guest, rather than the frazzled host(ess) running around to keep everyone’s gin topped up and wondering when your cake will be delivered. If that’s the case, bring flowers. Better still, bring flowers in a vase so your friend doesn’t have to worry about taking care of the flowers on top of everything else.

And say thank you

If you brought the Easter cake or gin, instead of flowers, and you had a really great time, send your friend a gift to thank him/her for a lovely time. Unless your hair caught on fire, a thank you is not negotiable.

All these items can be ordered from Netflorist. This is not a sponsored post.


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