It has been such a long time since I've blogged about the books I've read. And yes, at the moment I'm reading three books; multitasking FTW... I think 🙂 I follow Matt Haig on Twitter and was so excited to finally find an audio version of his book "The Humans". Matt...
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Goodreads update: 60 of 100
It's been 15 books (12 of which were penned by Stephen King) since my last update. Yes, I know, it's overdue. Random thoughts about what I've read: The Regulators and Desperation both freaked me out. They're hauntingly similar, except in The Regulators the cop was...
Time for a book update, no?
I haven't written about the books I’ve read recently, because earlier in the year I was lured away from my audio companions by music, and I fell behind on my Goodreads challenge. I finally caught up again last night when I finished the fourth Stephanie Plum book (Four...