The blog has been quiet, I know, especially on the book front. April has not been a great month. As you may or may not know, I was in an accident on 29 March, in which my car was completely written off. So aside from the minor injuries I had, I was supremely...
30 Books into the Goodreads Challenge
Yes, so I've only read four books since my last update, but I thought it was a good opportunity to get back to multiples of five again. And I read two really great books recently and want everyone else to read them too. Manhunting by Jennifer Crusie was another one of...
Belated Goodreads challenge update
I know! This update is more than a week overdue - I've already finished another three books (including the March paperback, but more about that in the next update). To recap on books 15 - 20: The Double Life of Anna Day by Louise Candish was a good old bit of...
Books I’ve recently read
The year has kicked off with some great reads. In case you didn't know, my Goodreads challenge for this year is to read 100 books (you can add me as a friend if you're a GR member). I've also personally challenged myself to read at least one actual, tangible book -...
Time for a book update, no?
I haven't written about the books I’ve read recently, because earlier in the year I was lured away from my audio companions by music, and I fell behind on my Goodreads challenge. I finally caught up again last night when I finished the fourth Stephanie Plum book (Four...
Where’d you go, Bernadette?
When I grow up, I want to be like Bernadette Fox – I already have the agoraphobic tendencies, but not the brilliant “do-my-own-thing-and-to-hell-with-the-rest” attitude. Also not the virtual assistant in India, but as it turned out, neither did Bernadette. Then again,...
Team Trinity launch and signed book giveaway
I always get the warm & fuzzies when someone says they enjoy my blog, particularly when it's someone I admire. The fact that they read my meandering musings at all makes for happiness. So I was absolutely thrilled that when I finally met Fiona Snyckers after years...
The book debate
What really annoys me about the paper-and-ink book versus e-book argument, is the fact that it is just plain stupid. Why are we arguing? There is a place and affinity for both (and let's not forget audiobooks, without which my daily commute would've been unbearable)....
Book club at Stephnie’s (WAY better than breakfast at Tiffany’s)
Very few things would get me out of bed on Saturday morning, let alone the house, but meeting with my amazing friends from book club for a catch-up over wine, great food, and to talk about books was one such a thing. So I braved the pouring rain to meet with a...