Yes, so I’ve only read four books since my last update, but I thought it was a good opportunity to get back to multiples of five again. And I read two really great books recently and want everyone else to read them too.
Manhunting by Jennifer Crusie was another one of those light reads. It was going along nicely; a dependable three-star read until I got to the last chapter. The story was somewhat predictable but enjoyable, and then the author got lazy (in my most modest of opinions), decided she’s got better things to do than to challenge her characters and wrap it up quickly in a happily ever after 🙁
Noah Barleywater runs away by John Boyne is a beautiful, sweet story. It reminded me a lot of Big Fish – dealing with loss through a series of incredible stories. The narration was fantastic too. I’m worried that I’ll give away some of the twists if I say any more, but you NEED to read this book; I gave it five stars.
It all changed in an instant is a collection of six-word stories. It was a quick and fun read. Also, it’s much easier to read six-word stories than it is to write them, but I’m not going to let that stop me.
I just finished Life after life by Kate Atkinson last night. I could’ve finished it sooner, but I think I wanted to postpone the end. I really enjoyed it, and although I only gave it four stars, it is a really good book. I withheld the last star because I wanted a different ending; ideally one that never came 🙂