All about money: credit, debt, and bonuses

I don’t blog about my personal stuff on this site that often, but I’ve been involved in a project and feel like I should own up to my financial situation publically; it helps to remind me that I’m not defined by it, despite it feeling like an overwhelming part of my life.

As I write this, I’m almost quarter of a way through paying up my debt through sequestration and only have about 44 months of rehabilitation left.

Image source:

Image source: Quentin Origami

It has become easier for me to live without credit, mostly. But having every single cent I earn accounted for means things like visits to the hairdresser, socialising, and birthdays are cause for a bout of hyperventilation. I have split ends, and while I don’t mind my hair’s natural colour too much, I’m not particularly fond of the silvery strands noticeable at my temples.

The worst thing for me right now is the knowledge that for the first time in three years I will not be getting a bonus. Sure, in the past a portion of my salary was designated towards a 13th cheque, but this year I didn’t have that luxury, earning significantly less than I had back then. And the bonus was used every year to service my car, buy my special people Christmas gifts, get my hair done, and buy groceries in bulk to divide between family and friends.

Last year I also had to replace my car’s windscreen, and thanks to the state of the roads we’re expected to pay for, I need to have my car’s windscreen replaced again. Then is my planned move next year, for which I’ll be required to pay a deposit. Needless to say, I’m having a bit of a freak-out.

Sharing some of my sad story with others have been therapeutic. You can read about it on the Get Credit Fit website if you’re so inclined, and join the conversation on Twitter.

What is the point of this blog post? I don’t suppose there is one. It’s a bit of a glimpse into my life; it was perhaps also an attempt to look at my situation objectively and see that it’s not so bad (I’m not completely convinced), and I guess to tell others that it’s not necessary to get to where I am, thanks to sites and campaigns like Get Credit Fit.

Maybe in 44 months I can look back at this and have a little celebration about how far I’ve come…


  1. Hle

    Thanks for sharing. Your blog is so authentic. I might not comment all the time but I appreciate every post.

    • Syllable

      Thanks Hle – that’s probably the nicest thing a blogger can read 🙂


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