Recently Häagen-Dazs challenged the public to upload a picture of themselves with their object of desire, for a chance to win a luxury, customised trip to Paris. After receiving approximately 1 600 entries, interviews were held with the top 50 to narrow down the list of finalists to 12.
On 22 July these 12 finalists met in person for the first time, and were paired up to create the perfect pairing pizza, with the help of Andiccio24.
Each team had to come up with a name for their team, as well as their pizza, and pitch the rationalle behind their four-ingredient creations to the judges. The six pizzas were… well, let’s say interesting.
The winning pair – Gabi and Kabelo – each walked away with R500 in vouchers, thanks to their “Tourist Taster”, which was definitely one of the more realistic creations, featuring biltong, caramelised onions, avo, and rocket (shown just before the Häagen-Dazs in the vine above).
On 7 August the grand finale will be held in a life-sized snow globe at Melrose Arch, and the lucky pair who will win a five-star trip to Paris will be announced. The pairing from the pizza event, will not necessarily be the winning pair. I will be at the event, so be sure to follow me on Twitter and Instagram to see this spectacular as it happens.
Why should you care, you ask? Well, from 8 – 10 August the Häagen-Dazs snow globe, measuring at a height of 8m, will be open for the public. And at the push of a button, the experience will be completed with snow falling down.
On Friday and Saturday between 09:00 and 21:00, and 09:00 and 18:00 on Sunday, you can delight all your senses in the ultimate wintery wonderland, and stand to win a range or prizes!
A locked glass fridge containing a giant tub of Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream topped with a spoonful of diamonds, will be placed in the winter wonderland, and visitors will be challenged to crack the padlock code for a chance to walk away with the most decadent perfect pairing: Häagen-Dazs and diamonds!
Entrance is free of charge, and Häagen-Dazs will be on sale.