Desperate times call for desperate measures, and the history of beauty and beauty products shows that quite clearly. It seems like the high price for beauty was being smelly, or just plain weird. This infographic makes me grateful for modern technology on the odd...
Personality types & the celebs you match up to
This is a fun double-feature edition of Friday infographics. First, there's a very basic explanation of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.  I am INFJ - share your typed in the comments if you like, and if you agree with the characteristics associated with it 🙂 Explore...
A periodic table of alcohol – Cheers!
It's Infographic Friday, and the weekend is as good a reason to celebrate as any. What's your poison? Want to try something new? Choose your sundowner scientifically with this awesome periodic table of alcohol. I will probably head to News Cafe for a cherry gimlet...
Gimme coffee!
Fridays are lazy days for me to blog, so maybe I'll stick to Infographic Friday. I'm avoiding caffeine today because in treating one of my three major health issues, I've triggered another. Fortunately I keep my  C8H10N4O2 consumption to a minimum to avoid triggering...